➽ 簡介 INTRO:
校友會邀請休士頓宏武協會會長 吳而立,從”武術”的視角讓大家重新認識”功夫”。吳師傅將分享半世紀以來的習武經驗,探討武術起源、基本精神、發展、表演以及應用,並論及武術打假現象、電影中的功夫真假。
為推廣並落實武術於日常生活,吳師傅將展示實作演練,帶來實用的防身術,並由宏武協會副會長 羅茜莉師傅,加碼示範養生太極操。對功夫有興趣的朋友們,千萬不能錯過!
Kung Fu is the pride of Chinese culture, and a spirit that crosses the generations. Nowadays, “Kung Fu” is much more accessible through TV, movies, and social media as we enter the digital age, but the spirit of “Kung Fu” seems gradually lost over the years. Is Kung Fu merely a performance or for real? That is the question.
In this seminar, Master Ernie Wu and Master Chien-Li Lo from Wu Martial Arts will share their insiders’ viewpoints about “Kung Fu” after decades of practice of Chinese Martial Arts. You will learn about the history, evolution of Chinese martial arts, followed by an engaging discussion of the practicality of Kung Fu in Hollywood movies and so-called “fake Kung Fu masters” in China.
To exercise the spirits of Kung Fu into daily practice, Master Ernie will showcase the practices of self defence and Master Chienli will demonstrate how to practice Tai-Chi at the end.
➽ 時間 TIME:
2021年6月19日 (週六),德州時間下午3:00PM (CDT)
June 19th, 2021 at 3 pm (CDT)
Zoom meeting in Mandarin.
➽ 報名連結 RSVP:https://forms.gle/puMLpopmWXD7iNff8
Reminder and Zoom meeting link will be sent in due course. You need to be present to win admission to the 2021 Expo of Chinese Martial Arts.
➽ 關於講者 SPEAKER:
吳而立 (Ernie Wu)
宏武協會會長及前台大校友會會長。1953年生於臺灣嘉義,初中時學習空手道和柔道,進入建國中學後參加國術社向李茂清老師學習北派長拳,之後加入臺灣大學國術會向衛笑堂老師學習八步螳螂拳,1974年舉辦第一屆大專國術觀摩會參加主席杯國術比賽表現優異,1975年受聘於致理商專國術社教授國術,1978年旅居美國,1985年成立宏武協會 (Wu Martial Arts Association),教學於休士頓僑教中心迄今三十六年,1987 – 2008年舉辦武術觀摩會,2013受聘於萊斯大學 (Rice University) 任武術講師,及成立宏武傑出青年獎學金,2015年首辦辦世界之星中華武術錦標賽。
Master Ernie Wu is President of Wu Martial Arts Association and ex-President of NTUAAH. Ernie demonstrated extraordinary Martial Arts talents since teenage years and established Wu Martial Arts Association after relocating to the States. Ernie has led nation-wide Martial Arts competitions, and founded a scholarship program and served in Martial Arts advocacy throughout decades.
➽ 活動聯絡CONTACT:休士頓台大校友會 (NTUAAH) (ntuaah2alumni@gmail.com)
➽ 延伸活動宣傳MORE:2021 世界之星中華武術錦標賽 (World Star Chinese Martial Arts Competition),開放報名觀賽,詳情請參訪www.kungfucompetition.com。